Monday, February 18, 2013

Looking back: Food Stamps Panel

In the Fall 2012 semester, Stein Scholars organized a panel discussion on Food Stamps.
From Stein Scholar April Harris '15E:

Our panel included Mark Dunlea of the Hunger Action Network, Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute, Robert Doar (HRA Commissioner), Lawrence Mead (Political Science Professor at NYU), and Nicholas Freudenberg (Public Health Professor at Hunter College). Further, Professor Marcella Silverman (a former legal aid attorney and current clinical associate professor here at Fordham) served as our moderator. The panelists debated the recent repeal of the finger imaging requirement for Food Stamp recipients.

Considering my background in welfare advocacy, the discussion was particularly insightful in that it exposed the challenges HRA faces in managing an effective public benefits system. Beyond this, the panel also allowed me to consider how public benefits touches on other areas. For example, Professor Freudenberg shared some data in how the Food Stamp program granted low income communities access to healthier food choices.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Service Project: Mold Remediation in Rockaway

The Stein Service project will be on Saturday, March 2. We are teaming up with Respond and Rebuild, an organization committed to environmentally sustainable and community-controlled rebuilding of communities post-disaster.

The day starts at 9:30AM and will wrap up at 4PM. You will need a warm hat, warm clothes, and hard-soled shoes. Get ready for manual labor!

We're currently working on possible Ram Van transportation but it's not 100% and will need a proper estimate of how many people would like to sign up. If we are unable to secure transportation, buses are running to Rockaway and we can meet at Fordham first and then travel as a group together.

More specifics on volunteering can be found on Respond and Rebuild's Volunteer page.  You do NOT need to sign up through their website for the March 2nd date. If you plan to attend the March 2nd service date with the Stein Scholars, please sign up here.

This is open to the Stein Community so feel free to sign up a friend!

If you have any questions, you can contact Angelica Kang at

Monday, February 11, 2013

Coming up: "The House I Live In"

Stein Scholars, Prisoners' Rights Advocates, and YouthLaw present:

The House I Live In 

Wednesday, February 15

4:30 PM in Room 203

Open to the law school community.

(There will be popcorn!)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Looking back: Stein Scholar Panels

(He's talking about homicide rates in Chicago, not the Titanic)
The impending snowpocalypse creeping its way towards NYC reminds me of a panel on the NYPD "Stop and Frisk" program that was held during the Fall 2012 semester. Despite the unexpected snowstorm that started before the panel began, the room was full and the conversation engaging.

Titled "Stop and Frisk: Effective Police Tactic or Tool of Discrimination?" and organized by a committee of current Stein Scholars, the forum was moderated by Stein Center Director Bruce Green and involved participation from panelists and the audience.
excellent poster designed by the sister of a Stein scholar
Taking part of the panel were: Professor Eugene O'Donnell (John Jay College of Criminal Justice, a former NYPD officer, and Queens ADA), Glenn Martin (Director of the David Rothenberg Center for Public Policy at The Fortune Society), Maura O'Connor (reporting the justice beat for the New York World), and Johnathan Smith (Assistant Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.)

The event was co-sponsored by the Urban Law Journal, the Urban Law Center, the National Lawyers Guild, the Muslim Law Students Association, and the Black Law Students Association. Thanks to our co-sponsors and participants, we were able to have a lively discussion on a pertinent, evolving issue (and delicious refreshments).

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Stein This Week: The Public Interest Job Search

2Ls and 3Ls telling it like it is
The infamous NYU PILC Fair is tomorrow and Friday!

Today at our Stein Scholars meeting (which happens every Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:00PM at the law school), the 2Ls and 3Ls soothed 1L nerves by providing great advice, tips, suggestions, and anecdotes regarding the PILC fair.

The 2Ls and 3Ls fielded questions ranging from the physical layout of the fair to tips on how to handle the "madness of the Table Talk" to what to bring to the fair to how to accept the dream internship offer and turn the other equally-awesome-but-just-not-the-perfect-fit offers down.

Plus, somebody amazing brought cupcakes and sustenance...

Sugar also calms the nerves
This Q&A session embodied what is great about being a part of the Stein family -- the passing down of wisdom and lessons learned from experience. So often law school can be incredibly competitive and people don't watch out for each other; being a part of the Stein Scholars reminds us that we're a community and here to help each other succeed.

Good luck to everybody at the PILC Fair!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Stein Scholars Mock Interviews

On Wednesday, January 30, Stein Scholars alumni and friends conducted mock interviews to help current Stein Scholars prepare for the NYU Public Interest Legal Career (PILC) Fair and other interviews Steins may have landed for summer internships or job prospects.

Stein Scholars Mock Interviews in Platt Atrium, Fordham Law School
It was a very helpful and productive session. Before the interviews started, Steins received some tips from Andrew Chapin and then we were let loose for 20 minute mock interviews. Interviewers had copies of resumes already and allowed the interviewee to request the mock (for example: a particular firm or a specific practice area). After the interview, the interviewer provided feedback and input.

Some pictures have been posted to the Stein Center for Law and Ethics Facebook page. You can view them here. You should also consider "Liking" the Stein Center for Law and Ethics Facebook page as another way to hear more about Stein Scholars as well as the Stein Center as a whole!

Thanks to all the Stein alumni, faculty, and administrators who participated in the mock interviews!